by Peggy Curran, The Gazette, 28 juin 2013
Consultez l’article complet ici.
“Like all Montrealers, we are very concerned about the impact of recent revelations regarding city
governance on the development of Montreal,” cautions an eclectic coalition of citizens’ groups, unions
and non-governmental organizations such as the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre, Culture Montreal,
Heritage Montreal, the Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU) and the Coalition
montréalaise des Tables de quartier.
In an open letter this month titled Le Montréal que nous voulons/A People’s Montreal, the coalition
summoned candidates for mayor and council to make the city more democratic while emphasizing
culture, the environment, social and economic development and urban planning.
Bellavance is used to having one big issue dominate during a Montreal election campaign. “In the last
election, the water-meter scandal had already broken and ethics took centre stage, so discussion of
poverty, environment were overlooked.”
But he said Montreal can’t afford to keep putting off policy and strategic planning decisions. “We must
talk about corruption, but we also have to ask what kind of city we want — and take steps to make it